So onto part two of the shenanigans 😂...well this one isn't too bad as for today there isn't much just some simple selfie pics. Now I must say...this one isn't at all bad...PERIODT. It's just when you're pressing for time and you have so many other things to do for the day and you're just trying to get things done and you're practically rushing last minute and you grab the first thing you see to do some cute pics right? 🤔....Well.....HERE GOES..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................BOOOOOM! 😲

So as you can see there's nothing wrong with any of these selfie pics at all it's just that...the CC wasn't on point for wasn't giving off the Korean vibe that I was looking for me and my girls vacation experience. So yeah these pics didn't make the cut for Instagram 😂 but I did find this dope Asian AirnB that I decided to use instead! 😍