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RATED-R | 2h 10min | Comedy, Thriller | Release Date 30 January 2021 (USA)

In the midst of a pandemic, Rose is presented a new competitive position within her workplace. And being neglected by her husband for years to infidelity, she feels the need to land this position by any means necessary to get out of her broken marriage. In the shadow of her madness, an outbreak unravels in the building and people are infected. But her master plan is about to be derailed when one of her coworkers, Dior, uncovers her bloody secret.
Gracie "Monique" Mosley
Gracie "Monique" Mosley (story by)
Stars: Kita "Jboogiemamma" Yong, Achillez Sauber, Evaly Banks, Chris Davis, Nel Browne, Patricia McQueen, Liljenredd, Kid2daKrazx, Jody Lampman, Fuq_yo_pride, Monique, Moe Moshef Moses, Shanera Parker, Pixxelrella, Jasmine Sauber, Penny Lane, The Goddess, Author Jacqueline Mosley, MercedezCarMichael, BlackEssence Lady Gamer, Leshauna Dotson, Maurice Robinson, Paul Reed (VHS High Society), Dontae Diamondz, Davita Burney, Dysha Weems, Marquetta Gayle Mills, Jessica Maples, Calvin Rains, Jasmine Brown, Rico Hillgang, Ahmad Blair-Brown, Sydonie Hover, Jeffrey "J-Way" Jr. Mosley, Natalia Garmashova, Valencia Davis, Rob Shimer, Kimber.SL, XGIMBITMEN, Shonterial "Dr. Shon" Redmond and Ajax Straaf | See full cast & crew »